Michael Nash Design Build & Homes is an honored recipient of the 2020 Talk Award with a 5 Star Customer Satisfaction Rating.

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Performing at the level needed to earn this recognition in consecutive years is impressive. You and your staff proved year after year that the exceptional service you provide is embedded in your company’s core values and mission.

Unlike typical consumer review sites, your 5 star rating is stable for the entire year. By consistently providing great service, you’ve earned the opportunity to leverage your verified performance into new business. When people see your continued success as a consecutive year Talk Award Winner, they won’t have reason to wonder how good your service is – they will know.

Click on the link below to view and share your 2020 Star Page.


Don’t let this recognition go unnoticed. People are more likely to place trust in you knowing you are an award-winning company. When you proudly display your award on the wall, you show customers and passersby – both online and on foot – that they will find great service at Michael Nash Design Build & Homes.

The impact of your status as an award winner makes a welcoming and reassuring statement when the digital version and trademarked images are used in your marketing. This powerful combination gives you an added advantage over the competition.


The Talk Awards Team


Home Additions: Patricia Meder, Annandale, VA ---

“I would say, over the years we’ve hired Michael Nash anyway 15 different projects …”

Kitchen Remodeling: Jay and Gretchen MacMillan, Potomac Falls, VA ---

“… It was very scary, but overall it’s a very pleasant project for us” “I think it’s just like working with peers, they’re very nice and very open …”

Bathroom Remodeling: Cheryl Ann and John Helmick, Centerville, VA ---

“Oh they were fantastic (Michael Nash) … They came into the house and did everything …” “They were professional at all times …”


Just fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly! Or if you would prefer, feel free to call us at (703) 641-9800. Thank you.

2020 The Talk Award Excellence in Customer Satisfaction Form

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Michael Nash Design, Build & Homes

8630A Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22031 
Tel: (703) 991-2942 
Fax: (703) 641-5938 
Email: info@michael-nash.com

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