Request For Complimentary Consultation

This home was located in a prominent neighborhood in Mclean and had a lot of potential to grow. The owners dreamt of an open concept Master bathroom suite – a roman-style open shower and wet area with soft color tones and airy feel for it.


There was a dead space in the adjacent attic that was a perfect addon space for the bathroom.

They wanted a large and open shower and a freestanding tub. The tub was moved into new space and an open wet shower area was added next to it. Our staff used floor-to-ceiling large-scale marble-looking tiles, complemented with mosaic for the shower area.


By relocating the bathroom and closet door, we have found a perfect place to install linen cabinets, long vanities, and counter space for their much-needed daily activities. The toilet was moved into an old shower space behind the door.

The transformation of the bathroom was huge. The couple was impressed by how much we have transformed their old bathroom into their desired bathroom.


The coordination of soft taupe cabinetry, white marble, slight taupe veins, and marble countertops has unimaginably made this master suite gorgeous.
The couple’s hidden medicine cabinets with lights have given them extra space for storage.


The homeowners said, “I can’t stop not being in my bathroom. Love it all.”

Request For Complimentary Consultation


Home Additions: Patricia Meder, Annandale, VA ---

“I would say, over the years we’ve hired Michael Nash anyway 15 different projects …”

Kitchen Remodeling: Jay and Gretchen MacMillan, Potomac Falls, VA ---

“… It was very scary, but overall it’s a very pleasant project for us” “I think it’s just like working with peers, they’re very nice and very open …”

Bathroom Remodeling: Cheryl Ann and John Helmick, Centerville, VA ---

“Oh they were fantastic (Michael Nash) … They came into the house and did everything …” “They were professional at all times …”

Home Additions

Patricia Meder, Annandele, VA

Kitchen Remodeling

Jay and Gretchen Mcmillan, Potomac Falls, VA

Bathroom Remodeling

Cheryl Ann and John Helmick, Centerville, VA

Michael Nash Design, Build & Homes
8630A Lee Hwy, Fairfax, VA 22031, USA

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