2015 NARI Capital CotY

CotY Grand Award Winner


2015 NARI Capital CotY Grand Award Winner, Residential Kitchen $30,000 to $60,000

This young military family after coming back from couple tours of duty from Middle East is now ready to concentrate of what they have been working hard for: family and their home.

Kitchen was first on their list: The builder grade thermo foil white cabinet and laminated top were no longer fulfilling their vision of the future kitchen. Middle island cook top and narrow kitchen were all stories of past.

Major changes were about come. Busting through an adjacent middle wall between kitchen and mudroom/powder room was necessary to add extra width into this kitchen. This required moving all plumbing and return air stack to open up necessary space. It also brought up major relocating of washer and dryer and reconfiguration the mudroom/laundry room to better utilize the space.

Relocation of cooking space into a dream professional 48” range to far wall of kitchen freed up the center of this kitchen. Use the back wall as a feature while implanted a niche with embossed decorative tile was all by design.

Roman style was her vision for this kitchen from what she has seen on her overseas visits. We have converted all openings to roman arches and wide trim has accomplished this goal. Changing the small sink window to a wider arch fix glass allowed both more lighting and tie to rest of arches of the house.

The soft color brushed stroke cabinetry brought back to roman era back into this kitchen. White a dark aged furniture piece took over the center island of this kitchen. The embedded added space is now home to a double door wine chiller and a butler space area .Massive amount of pantry space was added in adjacent mudroom.

Bringing in Forged Iron fixtures as a symbol of the Roman era tied the center Island color scheme and dark spot of beautiful counter top stone.

Molding details of this project such as large ropes and dentil with crown molding and arch trims all contributed to glorifying this master piece.

Now more than ever this family love to cook and entertain their family since their return to one and only “home sweet home”.


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