2011 NARI Capital CotY Merit Award Winner

2011 NARI Capital CotY Merit Award Winner
This couple had put up with their run down split level home for years. The lived in a very convenient Arlington neighborhood which gave them a walking distance to metro and suburban lifestyle. But enough was enough with plain small and ugly kitchen.
They wanted a new look. The wife is an artist and had a lot of colors and ideas in her mind.
It all started with small 10’x10’ dark and crowded kitchen:
Dark and small, with a vinyl floor, one side was closed up by a partition wall to dining room,
The other wall lower level family room separated with few steps and headers and wall
Behind it was unused living room and adjacent to dark looking foyer
Bulkheads and duct work crowded the space even more
Lack of space was a major problem and caused not to be able to entertain in past they way that they really needed
The plan was to open up the space and make a seamless connection with rest of the first floor
All bulkheads and duct work contained were rerouted
The backyard has a lot of light to offer, so through installing a large header we have implemented a triple large window
The north wall was moved 18” into the adjacent living room, making space for fridge and double oven and warming drawer. This kept all tall elements out of sight and created more counter and open space throughout the rest of kitchen
The partition wall of the kitchen and dining room was removed and got replaces with a large double side peninsula, home to a 36” gas cooktop, wine chiller and on the back tones of display china cabinetry for prized dishes of hers.
Use of taller and contrasting dark glazed cabinetry and spice cherry has accomplished the art and craft look that was desired.
The choice of Exotic light stone counter top with carefully selected glass back splash tile brought a breath of freshness in o this kitchen
A new vented skylight was added into this kitchen for even more light source
The close wall between Family room and kitchen was opened up by installed bearing beams and relocate some duct work and added glass front cabinetry
Added recess lighting and undercabinet lights were carefully placed to interact with the new layout
New hardwood was installed to compliment the rest of first level flooring and create a seamless connection
The extreme makeover of this kitchen was an inspiration to so many of their neighbors that clients were proud to keep showing off their prized art & craft new kitchen over and over again.